Solving Perl Weekly Challenge 095 -- Palindrome Number and Stack

作者:   發佈於:   #raku

Two basic tasks from Perl Weekly Challenge 095. Palindrome number is also on leetcode: leetcode/palindrome-number. For languages that coerce values to Int / Str automatically, these two tasks does not require too much code.

TASK #1 › Palindrome Number

Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar

You are given a number $N.

Write a script to figure out if the given number is Palindrome. Print 1 if true otherwise 0.

Example 1:

Input: 1221
Output: 1

Example 2:

Input: -101
Output: 0, since -101 and 101- are not the same.

Example 3:

Input: 90
Output: 0

Solution #1 > Palindrome Number

It is pretty straightforward: simply convert the input number to string, then check whether that string is palindromic. Based on the example, all negative numbers are non-palindromic. I wonder numbers with decimal points are considered.

Let's say we are only dealing with integers. Here's the implementation in Raku.

sub is-palindrome-number (Int $n --> Bool) {
    return "$n" eq "$n".flip;

The operation of flipping a string corresponds to the flip subroutine from Str in Raku. To convert a number $n to string, either $n.Str or "$n" would do. The part where it says (Int $n --> Bool) is the signature of this subroutine. It means that the subroutine takes one Int argument, and returns a Bool (Boolean values. True or False.)

TASK #2 › Demo Stack

Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar

Write a script to demonstrate Stack operations like below: push($n) - add $n to the stack pop() - remove the top element top() - get the top element min() - return the minimum element


my $stack = Stack->new;
$stack->pop;       # removes 0
print $stack->top; # prints -1
print $stack->min; # prints -1

Solution #2 > Demo Stack

If we are just defining a class with the abovementioned methods, they can all be delegated to one subroutine in Raku. Let's use this IntStack as an example, which is stack that can hold a bunch of integers.

class IntStack {
    has Int @!store;

    method push(Int $n) {
    method pop(--> Int) {
    method top(--> Int) {
    method min(--> Int) {

Which can be used like this:

    my $stack =;

    say $;  #=> -1


    say $stack.min;  #=> -1

本文為《解 Perl Weekly Challenge 095 -- 回文數與堆疊》之英文版