Emacs in MacOS X 10.5 Leopard

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Simple web surfing at night brings me to this Emacs blog post saying the built-in Emacs on MacOS Leopard does have Carbon support (which means GUI for Mac Emacsen like me.) I am a big fan of Emacs but I never liked it in a terminal, it's such a limited environment in a terminal so I always use GUI Emacs for all time. Anyway, the second comment for that post pointed out that one can use the Emacs.app wrapper comming with official emacs CVS repository to build (without compile) a Emacs.app, I just did it and uploaded that to my .Mac public folder. Go download that at here: Emacs.app.tgz (25 kb). You must be using Leopard otherwise it won't work.

Labels: emacs, leopard, mac